Unspooky AlphabetThe Unspooky Alphabet is a collection of 26 original ink drawings that are based on alliterating letters of the alphabet. Taking inspiration from its predecessor that had a spooky theme around the characters, the unspooky version brings personalities to animals that otherwise do not have a voice. They can be seen as individuals that are relatable to the audience, who may be able picture themselves or their loved ones in the occupations of the animals. The alphabet is the backbone of any language, and even though this series was inspired by the English alphabet, it can be interpreted by other languages because the images are represented visually in a way that other cultures can also connect with.
The Unspooky Alphabet was featured at Cocoon Art Space during ArtPrize 2023. A companion alphabet book is available for purchase at market events and will be added to the shop soon. If you would like to purchase one of the original ink drawings, please contact [email protected] |